The goal of this project was to design a pricing page for Jobbio that effectively communicates the value proposition of their service and encourages users to take action by signing up or contacting the sales team.
Jobbio is a passive talent attraction solution aimed at helping companies attract quality applicants who are not actively searching for a new role. The pricing page is a crucial component of the website as it provides potential customers with information about Jobbio's offerings and pricing plans.

     1. Understanding the User: Since there was no user research conducted, the design process relied on assumptions about the target audience. Based on the nature of Jobbio's service, the target audience is likely to be HR professionals, recruiters, and hiring managers who are looking for innovative solutions to attract top talent.
     2. Information Architecture: The content provided was divided into distinct sections to facilitate easy navigation and comprehension. Sections were organized logically, starting with an overview of Jobbio's value proposition and ending with a call-to-action.
     3. Wireframing: Wireframes were created to visualize the layout and structure of the pricing page. This included arranging content blocks, defining the hierarchy of information, and designing the placement of visuals such as partner logos and video carousels.
     4. Visual Design: The visual design aimed to reflect Jobbio's brand identity while maintaining a clean and professional aesthetic. Bold typography and vibrant colors were used to highlight key points and create visual interest. Consistent use of imagery, icons, and branding elements helped reinforce Jobbio's messaging throughout the page.
     5. Interactive Elements: Interactive elements such as call-to-action buttons and navigation links were strategically placed to encourage user engagement and guide them towards conversion points. Hover effects and animations were used sparingly to add visual interest without overwhelming the user.

The final design is a user-friendly pricing page that effectively communicates Jobbio's value proposition and encourages users to take action. The clear and organized layout, combined with compelling visuals and persuasive copy, creates a compelling user experience that motivates visitors to learn more about Jobbio's offerings and consider signing up.
Low-fidelity Wireframe

High-fidelity Wireframe
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